Navigating the Landscape of Sexual Fantasy, Desire, and Planning
Becky Makous Becky Makous

Navigating the Landscape of Sexual Fantasy, Desire, and Planning

Sexual fantasies are the vivid, imaginative scenarios that play out in our minds, often involving erotic or arousing elements. They can range from simple daydreams to intricate, elaborate scenarios. Fantasies are a natural part of human sexuality and can serve various purposes, including arousal, stress relief, and exploration of desires.

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Ingredients for Relationship Repair
Becky Makous Becky Makous

Ingredients for Relationship Repair

Rupture is part of any intimate relationship. When there are close connections with others, there will be hurt feelings, disagreements, tension, old wounds being activated, or misunderstandings. Having disagreements doesn’t mean that a relationship is unhealthy. What’s more important is how you move through the conflict. Having strong conflict resolutions skills correlate with the happiness of the relationship.

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A Surprising and Powerful Way to Rekindle Your Love Life
Becky Makous Becky Makous

A Surprising and Powerful Way to Rekindle Your Love Life

Many couples struggle with vanishing intimacy, feelings of boredom, routine, and reduced sexual connections over time, sometimes leading to thoughts of breaking up or taking other steps to bring intimacy and connection into their lives. There are a multitude of reasons for relationship breakdown, but what follows is a discussion of one that is frequently overlooked.

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5 Benefits to Knowing Your Core Erotic Themes
Becky Makous Becky Makous

5 Benefits to Knowing Your Core Erotic Themes

Sexual fantasy is the mind’s way of building resilience, protecting the self and going to a place of healing that may be otherwise inaccessible. The theory behind Core Erotic Themes is ultimately strengths-based. These desires and sexual fantasies are the brain’s way to respond to unmet needs and create emotional resilience.

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The 6 Stages of Gridlock and the Four Points of Balance to a Healthier Relationship
Becky Makous Becky Makous

The 6 Stages of Gridlock and the Four Points of Balance to a Healthier Relationship

Gridlock is something that happens to virtually every intimate relationship. It could happen over the course of a few months or over many years, but many couples get to this place of gridlock, this can’t-live-with-you-can’t-live-without-you place of enmeshment. This is also known as codependency. Fortunately, there are guidelines for how to get into a healthier relationship space.

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